It seems like everyone loves the leotard look... but ladies are afraid to pull it off. Why? Too explosive for regular wear??? Possibly... However let me show you how you can do it!

If you consider yourself to be a bit of a fashion icon in your own right, I don't recommend this often, but Gaga got this look TOGETHER in a major way. She nailed it with this one... I thought she was kinda pretty here too... but maybe 'cause her face is covered??? Let me stop...

Many powerhouse female artist are quick to put on a leotard to wow their audiences... as you can see. Honestly, I'm sure they wear it because it's pretty darn comfy to entertain in... And it keeps your body temperature cool...shhhh!

TOPSHOP!!!! Yep this look is not futuristic in the least! Big Ups to Top Shop for keeping beauty queens like Miss Halle flyyyyyy.... even when she was just a little beauty queen in Ohio!

I decided to prove my point finally... you don't have to be an entertainer, beauty queen, or gymnast for that matter to ROCK the leotard look! It can be transitioned into everyday (or at least every weekend) wear. Wear it with leggings and belt and it is always a win. Not complicated ladies! Now...I don't recommend this particular look if you've got excessive stomach weight... I'm just being honest. However, you don't have to be a stick figure to pull it off. Clearly, I am not! LOL!
SongModel-i.n.g Highest Ranking Leotard for the Everyday Diva?
American Apparel
Till next time... Divytchs (Diva Bytchs) Stay Fierce, Fly like a SongModel...
Twitter: @SongModel