...is painful. It's has come down to us realizing the following:
Everything that we are trying to get done is not easy. Growing as an artist is one thing. Growing an artist as you simultaneously grow your company is a true task. On days like this, I truly have to relax my vein that is throbbing and ask God for grace. I know His timing is the best, but it's still frustrating.
My artist is on a tour bus right now... somewhere in the middle of Idaho. Yep... Idaho. This experience she's about to go through is going to be very interesting. She hardly has a decent signal, the Wi-Fi on the bus only works well when no more then two people are using it at a time. Crazy. Follow her experience at www.twitter.com/gogokoku.
Meanwhile, I'm plugging along doing what I've got to do for her... and my little business... Pray for me...