Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Process... painful. It's has come down to us realizing the following:
Everything that we are trying to get done is not easy. Growing as an artist is one thing. Growing an artist as you simultaneously grow your company is a true task. On days like this, I truly have to relax my vein that is throbbing and ask God for grace. I know His timing is the best, but it's still frustrating.

My artist is on a tour bus right now... somewhere in the middle of Idaho. Yep... Idaho. This experience she's about to go through is going to be very interesting. She hardly has a decent signal, the Wi-Fi on the bus only works well when no more then two people are using it at a time. Crazy. Follow her experience at

Meanwhile, I'm plugging along doing what I've got to do for her... and my little business... Pray for me...

1 comment:

  1. Your artist is AMAZING...I suggest you make a youtube for her. I know I am only one person, but I have been letting my friends hear her and they also think she's amazing...I can't possibly understand what you are going through but there are still us folks out here who appreciate REAL music. Also, I have been getting alot of subscribers on my youtube so I will definitely promote her on there. she deserves to shine...talent like that cannot afford to go to waste. Not with the garbage we have plaguing the ears of our youth today...I will be praying for her success, and will promote her in the best way i can.

    Be blessed,

